iTunafish Logistics Module
We know the importance of logistics management for companies today, and aware of how many cases of business successes are based on good supply chain management. iTunafish can meet the needs of the most demanding companies. Without forgetting that we are software...
Improvements in labelling, a consumers need
Improvements in labelling, a consumers need According to the Survey on Buying and Consumption Habits 2021, consumers see a need for an improvement in labeling in consumer products. On December 1, 2021, the Participation board of Consumer Associations presented the...
LEADING COMPANY OF BLUEFIN TUNA FROM ALMADRABA (Spanish Traps) continues to grow with us
Our company philosophy is to work together to help you grow as a company, optimizing all the current processes of your business and becoming more competitive nationally and internationally. bigdataBP was born out of that philosophy, that of helping companies in the...
iTunaFish a complete ERP software for the management of the most demanding fishing companies
iTunaFish meets the expectations of the most demanding companies in the fishing sector. We detail the most outstanding functionalities. CUSTOMIZATION Our iTunaFish software is highly customizable according to specific needs, allowing individual adaptation of the...
DASHBOARD o cuadro de mando en ERP, la mejor herramienta para la toma de decisiones.
¿Os imagináis un piloto de Fórmula 1 como Fernando Alonso, correr sin un Dashboard, cuadro de mando o panel de control? Pues lo mismo ocurre con las empresas en la actualidad, es inimaginable. Dashboard, cuadro de mando o panel de control, es una herramienta que te...
iTunaFish a fundamental tool to manage the entire company
iTunaFish, un potente sistema ERP con un conjunto de módulos integrados para la industria pesquera
La importancia de contar con Sistema EDI en la industria pesquera para ser más competitivo, cada vez más necesaria.
iTunaFish complies with the IFS Food standard
Requerimientos necesarios en ERP para la certificación alimentaria IFS.
¿Que significa DevOps y por qué lo usamos para ayudar a mejorar su empresa?
Si buscamos en la Wikipedia DevOps (acrónimo inglés de development -desarrollo- y operations -operaciones-) es un conjunto de prácticas que agrupan el desarrollo de software ( Dev ) y las operaciones de TI ( Ops ). Su objetivo es hacer más rápido el ciclo de vida del...
iTunaFish a powerful ERP system for companies in the Fisheries and Frozen sector
iTunaFish is the star software of our company BIGDATABP Soluciones Empresariales S.L. iTunaFish is an ERP software that includes a set of modules, fully integrated into the system, which allow the integral management of all the necessary processes in the daily...